Monday, October 09, 2006

Horror Halloween

Visit This Site NOW
Here is another good resource that I found for you.


I took a drive into town today and I was amazed at all the crafts people have made for Halloween and have them displayed outside.Wtiches,scarecrows,gouls it is really unbelievable and they are made out of wood,plastic,cardboard etc.It seems that people are really going all out this year for Halloween.Crafts in different sizes and shapes.I love Halloween.Happy Halloween everyone.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Halloween Crafts

Witches,goblins,gouls will be out in full force Halloween night.If you are out with your kids take a look around and I am sure that you will see different kinds of Halloween crafts at most of the houses you come upon.I just saw a bunch more when I went into town today.They really look neat and some of the ideas are very interesting.They just seem to catch your eye even though you are really not looking for them.For some reason they just seem to jump out at you which is a good thing.It amazes me every year at what they come out with and what people are making for Halloween crafts.So have a happy Halloween.

Saturday, October 07, 2006


As I was driving into town today I passed some houses that had a couple of people outside.They were made out of wood and had hair made of straw,hats,scarves and it looked to me to be Mr.and Mrs. Scarcrow.I have never seen anything like it before and they looked neat.This is a type of Halloween craft.That goes to show that you can make what ever you imagination can come up with for Halloween.So put on your thinking caps and decide what craft you want to do and do it.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Making Halloween Crafts

When I was growing up the main Halloween craft that I did was carving the pumpkin.Cutting the top,eyes,nose and mouth were the easiest part but cleaning out the inside of it was not that thrilling.Once you got past that part it was fun doing all the rest.Then when it was all finished and you put a candle or a light inside it was really neat to see how it turned out.I would run outside to see how it looked and also to make sure the craft that I did looked real good.I did not want something in the window if it looked silly but my Mom always put it in the window no matter what.Halloween is fun.Hope that your Halloween is fun and you have a great time.

Crafts For Halloween

You know that in todays day and age you can do just about anything in the craft department.Halloween is no acception.You have wooden cut outs,colouring books,stencils,plastic jack-o-lanterns and the list goes on.What ever you decide to make go all out and make it the scariest project you have ever worked on.With everything that is out there anyone can make a craft that they can enjoy for years to come.Just have fun making your craft and do not take it to serious because it is to be fun .So have a blast and make your Halloween craft your special project.Happy Halloween

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Another great resource

This is a great resource for your Halloween decor.It is a must see. Click Here To Visit It

Halloween Crafts For Fun

Making things out of paper,wood,stencils are great .You can do pumpkins,witches,gouls,cats all things imaginable for Halloween crafts.Even carving a real pumpkin is a craft that anyone can do.There are all kinds of eyes and faces that you can cut out to make you pumpkin really scary.Halloween is a fun time of year and I still think that kids and adults still get a good feeling about it.You can cut,paint,carve, draw and build numerous things to make your Halloween special.So decide what crafts you want to do and make it a good Halloween for yourself.

Halloween Crafts

There are so Halloween crafts that you can make or build.You could draw all kinds of witches,pumpkins,gouls etc.and colour them the way that you want.Making designs out of bristol board or coloured paper is another good one.The list is endless.Just use your imaganation.If you are not the craft making type there is always crafts you can buy amd put together.What ever you decide to do for your Halloween craft you are going to be excited because you are the one that ended up making it yourself.Just remember that there are all kinds of Halloween crafts out there for you to do.The list is endless.So make up your mind on what you want to do and have fun making your Halloween crafts.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

This Halloween

What are you planning to do this Halloween.I am planning on going into town to a friends place so I can see all the little trick or treaters.I live in the country so I have to go into town as no one comes way out here.I really enjoy seeing all the different costumes and how excited the kids are as they come to the door.Heck I even manage to give out some candy.I guess I am still a kid at heart because I still love Halloween.It is still a great time for me when I see all the little trick or treaters come to the door.Well there are something that you never grow out of and that is a good thing.Halloween is great.

Halloween Treats

There is such a variety of Halloween treats in candies,cookies,cereal etc.Also alot of people make special things to give to the trick or treaters.You never know what you are going to get from one house to the next.All I know is that when all is said and done you have all kinds of Halloween treats to keep you going for a week or two.Maybe even longer.When I went out as a youngster we got toffee apples,chips,candy,popcorn and some special baked goods once and awhile.All and all it was a good time with all your friends and the halloween treats were great.

Halloween Costumes

It is really remarkable at how Halloween costumes have changed over the years.When I was growing up you bought a costume that you liked and ended up going back home and using your sister's make up to add the final touches.Now you can pretty well buy everything you need right down to finger nails and scars.The details that the give you to dress up is unreal.It seems every year it is getting better and better.Halloween costumes have really changed for the kids and the teenagers.You can pretty well be who ever you want to be.I think it is great.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Halloween Fun

Halloween is a time when all ghosts,witches,goblins and all kinds of creatures come out in full force.They come in all sizes to collect their goodies and to scare people along the way.Halloween comes once a year and all the kids are excited to dress up and go out to trick or treat.It is amazing how the details of some of the costumes are so close to looking very real.It is also a time for the teenagers to have Halloween parties and have a good time dressing up also.They really go to extremes to dress up for this occasion.Their detailing for the costumes are very life like and scary.This is a good time to see what everyone is dressing up as.I still love Halloween.

Spooky Halloween

It is really great seeing the little tricker treaters out trying to be spooky and scare people.It seems ashame that it is getting less and less of the little tricker treaters going out now.When I was growing up we did not have to worry about the things that we have to look out for now .Parents are leary about sending their kids out and that is not the way it should be.Halloween is a time for kids to go out and have fun dressing up in their costumes and having a great time going around to different areas filling up whatever they have with candy.I hope things get back so kids can have some fun like it was when I was growing up.


I remember when I was growing up that halloween was a big deal.We would dress up and go out in the daylight maybe two or three times with a pillow case and have all kinds of stuff.We would go all over our streets tricker treating and having lots of fun doing it.My sister and alot of our friends would go out together and some of the costumes that kids wore were really great,some kids went to great detail to look like the gouls,witches etc,and they did look scary.

Halloween Resources For You

b>Here is a short list of Halloween resources I have located for you

Halloween E-Cards - Send A Scary Greeting to a family member or friend
Halloween Cards - Send a card to a friend using the old mailbox method
Halloween Costumes For Dogs - Give Fido a Halloween To Remember
Halloween Decorating - Spruce Up Your House To Be The Scariest House On The Block
Halloween Crafts - Fun Halloween-Oriented Arts & Crafts For The Whole Family